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Traffic Safety N Top Delineator only

Part# 17725

Our highly visible orange delineators (#17725) with reflective stripes are UV resistant to fading and offer high resistance to impact over a wide temperature range. The 12 pound weighted PVC base (#17724) is made entirely of 100% recyclable PVC and is sold seperately.



product specifications

Product Description:

Our highly visible orange delineators (#17725) with reflective stripes are UV resistant to fading and offer high resistance to impact over a wide temperature range. The 12 pound weighted PVC base (#17724) is made entirely of 100% recyclable PVC and is sold seperately.

SKU: 17725

Dimensions: 48" x 3" x 3

UPC: 764083177256

Weight: 3 LBS

Availability: In Stock & Ready to Ship